A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Listen Again…

At St Nicholas we believe that studying God’s Word, the Bible, is essential for nurturing a growing faith. Use the links below to ‘listen again‘ to one of our recent sermons. Alternatively, you can filter the whole archive by date, speaker, sermon series or Bible book.

The End and The Beginning

Acts 1: 1-11 – Luke begins his sequel to his gospel as Jesus gives his disciples their last instructions before he ascends to the right hand of the Father in Heaven. But it isn’t the end – it’s really the beginning. Final lessons from Jesus and a challenge for us.

Remain in Jesus

John 15 – This Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus’ command to the disciples just before they abandon him: Remain in me. He knew they would leave him, but he wanted them to know this…