Jesus heals a man born blind, but the question at the heart of this passage is about spiritual sight. Can we see who Jesus is, and will we willingly accept him as Lord of all areas of our lives? Anything else, and we are walking in the darkness…
A good friend of Jesus dies and has been dead 4 days by the time Jesus arrives. To the man’s grieving sister Jesus claims that he IS the Resurrection and the Life and that ALL those who trust him, even though they die, will live again. So show he is able to deliver what he claims, Jesus raises a dead man back to life and leaves us with a question: do you believe this?
The night is dark; the disciples are tired and wet; and Jesus is not with them… and then they see a man walking on the water towards them! They are terrified until Jesus speaks- for the power and the promises and the presence of Lord of Creation releases us from crippling fear.