We finish this series with an overview of chapters 10 and 11. A long list of names, a curious story, and another long list of names. Can we make sense out of it , and what does it mean for us today? Genesis 10:1-32 Genesis 11:1-32
We finish this series with an overview of chapters 10 and 11. A long list of names, a curious story, and another long list of names. Can we make sense out of it , and what does it mean for us today? Genesis 10:1-32 Genesis 11:1-32
It all looked so good… a fresh start, a renewed world and God’s rainbow promise. But Noah is a hero with holes and his son Ham has a problem with pride and pointing the figure. Lessons for us to learn here. Genesis 9:18-29
The passage starts with the announcement that ‘The Lord Remembered Noah.’ God hadn’t forgotten… but he was about to act in saving Noah and re-creating the earth. But although the world was reset- it wasn’t ‘Eden Restored.’ This was post the Fall- and sadly the cleansing didn’t go deep enough. Challenges, encouragements and a hint…
The world is a terrible mess, and it’s because ‘the thoughts of people are only evil all of the time.’ God’s remedy- a worldwide flood with only the righteous Noah and his family saved. A well known story but with some valuable lessons. Genesis 6:1-22 Geneses 7:1-24
Cain has killed Abel, but Adam and Eve have another son, a son through whom God’s promised redemption will one day come. It’s a family line marked both by blessing and the by the effects of the fall. It’s the family line we are born into- so there’s much to learn here. Genesis 4:25-26 Genesis…