A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Who are we?

C_OF_logo_v2We are a part of the Church of England and within the Diocese of St Albans. We work closely with other churches across the Stevenage area, but our strongest link is with St Mary’s Church in Graveley, with whom we are a joint benefice. (Two churches sharing the same minister!)

Diocese of St AlbansMore importantly, we are people of all ages and backgrounds, gathered from across Stevenage and beyond. We meet together week by week to study the Bible and so learn more about the God who made us and His Son who died, so that all who trust in Him might be forgiven and have eternal life.

Some of us are firm believers in Jesus, others are still investigating the Christian faith. But wherever you are on your walk of faith, we hope you will find a warm welcome and some help for the journey.

What do we believe?

About God
: We believe in one God in 3 persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God not only made us, He also sustains us and calls us to know Him and worship Him as Lord of our lives. This is for His glory and our great joy!

BabyAbout us: Human beings are made in the image of God — the pinnacle of God’s creation. Though they were made to know God and enjoy His presence forever, our first parents rebelled against God and rejected his rightful rule — that’s what the Bible calls sin. We have all gone the same way with the result being a messed up world and messed up lives. Left unforgiven, our sin will lead us to an eternity away from God and everything good in a place the Bible calls Hell.

CrossAbout Jesus: The Son of God, Jesus Christ, came to earth, lived amongst and showed us what God is like. Born of a virgin, He lived a perfect life but died nailed to a Roman Cross. This was not a mistake. He died for our sins, in our place and as our substitute so that all who trust in Him might be forgiven and have eternal life. Three days after His death He rose again and will one day come back as King and judge.

BibleThe Bible: is God’s written revealed Word. It tells us the truth about God, the world and ourselves. Whilst we might sometimes misunderstand it, the Bible is without error and utterly reliable.

The church: is God’s people gathered together, around God’s word and around God’s table. We meet to encourage each other in our faith and to learn to exercise the gifts God has given us. No church is perfect — because we are not perfect — but all Christians need to make coming to church a top priority in their lives.