We love Christmas
At St Nicholas Church we have lots of reasons to love Christmas! It’s our busiest time of year and we are absolutely thrilled to welcome so many people to our special Christmas services.
But it’s so easy to forget, amid the bustle of seasonal festivities, that Christmas is actually a birthday party. In fact, it’s the biggest, merriest, most international birthday party in the history of the planet… which is not that surprising when you consider who Jesus is.
Jesus is the Christ – the Messiah, the Saviour. He is God, who entered our world by being born as a human being. And if God had a birthday party, you’d expect it to be pretty spectacular!
We’d be delighted to celebrate this amazing birthday with you at one of our Christmas services this year. These include our annual Carols by Candlelight service with choir, our family-friendly Christingle and Community Nativity (one service on Christmas Eve) and our lively all-age Communion Service on Christmas Day itself.
There is NO our late-night Christmas Eve service as we are currently without a Rector during the interregnum.
But we also get involved with many other events and initiatives throughout the run-up to Christmas. These include craft evenings, pub quizzes, carol singing and schools events, such as the Christmas Journey (co-ordinated by Bridge Builders Christian Trust).
For this year’s dates, please see below and our online Church Calendar