Funeral Services
If you are reading this page because you have recently lost someone you love, we offer you our sincerest condolences. Facing the death of someone whom you love deeply is probably the most devastating experience a person can have. We appreciate that and our concern, as a church family, is to bring you our love and support as much as we can at such a difficult time.
Whilst the St Nicholas churchyard is closed to new burials, the church building is available for funeral services. St Nicholas is very conveniently located next to the Weston Road Cemetery and there is a footpath through the churchyard directly into the cemetery.
The normal procedure is for the funeral director to contact the church to confirm availability. The minister who will be leading the service will then contact the family of the deceased to arrange a pre-funeral visit.
Jesus once said something that people have found helpful whether or not they are Christians. He said: ‘Don’t worry about tomorrow, let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.’ (Matthew 6:34) In other words – think as far as bedtime tonight. You’ll be given help to get to the day’s end and tomorrow you’ll be given a fresh supply of grace to live.
There are many who have felt God calling them to a new relationship with Him, even as they battle through the process of grieving. One of the ways He reveals His love is through people. For that reason, we would like to extend a special invitation to those families in our parish who are grieving. Come and join our church family – it will strengthen you.
Simply come along on a Sunday morning at 9:30 am – no need to let us know in advance. If you would like, get in touch and we can arrange transport to help you get to the church. And just tell us if you’d like someone to meet you outside so you can walk in with a friend.
The clergy or pastoral team are happy to come and visit you at home so that as a church we can continue to be there beside you in the days ahead. Rest assured, we will also be praying for you.
We have prepared a short leaflet which offers some further thoughts and words from the Bible which we hope may be comforting to bereaved families as they seek to come to terms with their loss.
For further enquiries please contact the Rector or Alison Hare on 07733 995779.