John 1: 6-9, 19-34 – John the Baptist announces the Messiah is coming, tells people to get ready and then points to Jesus and says “Here he is!” But who exactly is Jesus? We unpack what it means for Jesus to be God’s anointed King.
Romans 16 – Does the gospel message we’ve been hearing about really work, does it change people? We see not only that it does, in real people’s lives, but also how it should change us!
Romans 15 – This remembrance day we consider how the kingdom of God advances, not through war, but through a great message of peace. We learn from Paul’s example how we should go about our Christian duty of telling others about Jesus.
Romans 15 – The practical application to our lives of the wonderful good news of Jesus continues; Today we see Paul address our attitude to ourselves and others, as well as talk about accepting each other.