The Reformation: What’s it all about? 29th October 2017 Daniel Freyhan 2 Kings 2 Kings 22-23 – Josiah brings about a reformation in his time. And what was the reformation 500 years ago all about? And could one happen today?
Captive but free 22nd October 2017 Graham Squires Acts Acts 28 – Paul finishes his journey, and when he finally reaches Rome he testifies about Jesus as he was called to do…
Trial Before Felix 15th October 2017 Daniel Freyhan Acts Acts 24-25 – Paul spends 2 years under house arrest, but is it wasted time?
Not the homecoming he’d hoped for 8th October 2017 Daniel Freyhan Acts Acts 21-22 – Sometimes Christians just don’t seem to get along, how should we treat each other, and how should we respond to the watching world?
The Ephesian Farewell 1st October 2017 Philip Walker Acts Acts 20:13-38 – The gospel of Jesus is a message to be preached, a message worth suffering for, a message to be carefully preserved, and a message to be lived out.