Matthew’s account of Jesus’ parable of the wedding banquet shows us how God has sent out the invite for everyone to join the Kingdom of Heaven, but not all respond and many refuse to come. Who are you most like in this parable? [Matthew 22: 1-14]
Matthew’s account of Jesus’ parable of the tenants shows us how God has graciously provided everything we need for us to find faith and flourish, with an extraordinary patience to both believers and unbelievers alike. Sadly, the Jewish leaders refused to accept Jesus and take advantage of God’s grace. And so, like the tenants in the parable,…
Matthew’s account of Jesus’ parable of the 2 sons challenges us to consider if we are like the repentant son, who turned away from wrongdoing and back to God, or like the unrepentant son, who, like the chief priests and religious leaders of the time, had the outward appearance of righteousness but refused to accept…