The Pastoral Epistles – 2 Timothy 3:10 – 4:22 – Preach the Word Until the End 31st October 2021 Philip Walker 2 Timothy Paul’s final words to Timothy were to continue to preach the Gospel in good times and bad, whether it was popular or unpopular, just as he did. [2 Timothy 3:10-17] [2 Timothy 4:1-22]
The Pastoral Epistles – 2 Timothy 2:4 – 3:9 – Warning Against False Teachers 24th October 2021 Dave Brown 2 Timothy Paul gave a stark warning for dealing with false teachers [2 Timothy 2:4-26] [2 Timothy 3:1-9]
The Pastoral Epistles – 2 Timothy 2: 1-13 – Standing Firm in the Faith 17th October 2021 Dave Brown 2 Timothy Paul gave some encouraging words for standing firm in our faith [2 Timothy 2: 1-13]
The Pastoral Epistles – 2 Timothy 1: 1-18 – Guarding the Deposit 10th October 2021 Ray Porter 2 Timothy Paul gave some sound advice for staying close and loyal to the Gospel message [2 Timothy 1:1-18]
The Pastoral Epistles – 1 Timothy 6: 11-21 – Fight the Good Fight 3rd October 2021 Paul Foster 1 Timothy Paul gave some words to Timothy on standing firm and fighting for the faith in Jesus Christ [1 Timothy 6: 11-21]