Letter to the Corinthians – 1 Corinthians 4: 1-5 – Jesus will bring light 15th December 2024 Jonathan Van Es [1 Corinthians 4: 1-5]
Carols by Candlelight 10th December 2023 Edward Keene Christmas Carols by Candlelight at St Nicholas Church
Nativity and Christingle Service 24th December 2021 Dave Brown Christmas Nativity and Christingle Service at St Nicholas
Come see what God has done! 19th December 2021 Dave Brown Christmas Christmas Carols by Candlelight at St Nicholas Church [Luke 1: 26-38] [Luke 2: 1-7] [Luke 2: 8-20] [Matthew 2: 1-12] [John 1: 1-14]
Carol Service Talk 2018: 3 Christmas Gifts from God to you in Jesus 24th December 2018 Dave Brown This talk was given at the candlelit carol service at St Nicholas Church on Sunday 23rd December, 2018.