A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Listen Again…

At St Nicholas we believe that studying God’s Word, the Bible, is essential for nurturing a growing faith. Use the links below to ‘listen again‘ to one of our recent sermons. Alternatively, you can filter the whole archive by date, speaker, sermon series or Bible book.

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

Philip, one of the 7, gets an angelic message to head south on the desert road, and is then prompted by the Spirit to walk near a chariot. He obeys the call, and being in the right place at the right time he is able to tell the man about Jesus. But would we recognise God’s voice if he called to us? And would we obey?

The Magnificent 7

The early church had been attacked by persecution, seduced by greed but in these verses it faced the challenge to remain faithful to their calling despite serious distractions. A short but challenging passage -especially when we apply it to ourselves and our calling to serve in God’s church today.