A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Listen Again…

At St Nicholas we believe that studying God’s Word, the Bible, is essential for nurturing a growing faith. Use the links below to ‘listen again‘ to one of our recent sermons. Alternatively, you can filter the whole archive by date, speaker, sermon series or Bible book.

The Empire Strikes Back

Acts 5 – The Apostles cannot be put off! They want to pass on the message of Jesus so badly that they’ll face imprisonment and beatings if that’s what it takes. What can we learn from their attitude? Is this a message for all of us to pass on or just the elite few?

Dancing into Trouble

Two disciples, going about their business, but looking for an opportunity to share Jesus with those who need him, meet a man who can’t walk and who hasn’t walked for 40 years. As a result we see a miraculous transformation, a bold proclamation and a courageous declaration. And a huge challenge for us as disciples of Jesus today.