A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Sermons by Dave Brown (Page 32)

Dave is the Rector of the joint benefice of St Nicholas, Stevenage and St Mary, Graveley. He began his ministry in Stevenage in 2011.

The End and The Beginning

Acts 1: 1-11 – Luke begins his sequel to his gospel as Jesus gives his disciples their last instructions before he ascends to the right hand of the Father in Heaven. But it isn’t the end – it’s really the beginning. Final lessons from Jesus and a challenge for us.

The Fickle Disciples

John 13:18-38 – Jesus is heading to the cross, but how will his disciples react? One betrays him, one denies him, but he stays firm till the end. Lessons to learn and hope for the fickle from this stirring passage.

Hail the Conquering King!

John 12:12-19 – We begin our Lent series in John’s gospel looking at the last week of Jesus’ life with the first Palm Sunday. It’s a very well known passage but when we understand the context and symbolism in those events they take on a far greater significance and leave us with a huge challenge.