A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Listen Again…

At St Nicholas we believe that studying God’s Word, the Bible, is essential for nurturing a growing faith. Use the links below to ‘listen again‘ to one of our recent sermons. Alternatively, you can filter the whole archive by date, speaker, sermon series or Bible book.

Isaiah turns to look at the heart of the problem and sees the problem at the heart of Israel. Instead of faithful worship to God alone, God’s people were being spiritual adulterers, worshipping God’s gifts, God’s creation and even the false gods of the nations around them. They looked ‘full’ but were foolish. But there was still hope…

Studies in Isaiah: God’s Verdict on His People

Isaiah 1 starts with God’s verdict on his people – and it’s fair to say he is not pleased! They are stupid, sinful, stubborn, like ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ and yet oh so religious! But God’s judgement doesn’t have to lead to wrath; God offers his glorious grace and tells his people to make a choice. What choice will we make?

Introduction to the book of Isaiah

Today we begin a series on the Book of Isaiah with a beginners guide to the writer, the times and and the themes of the book Over 66 chapters Isaiah brought God’s message to the people of Judah before exile, during their exile and after exile – and these same words have much to say to us.