A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Sermons from 2016 (Page 5)

Standing Firmly

Daniel 3 – A new law brings a stark choice to three godly men: would they bow before an idol or stand firm in their faith? They stand firm – get thrown into a fiery furnace – and are rescued by God! A fantastic account of faithfulness, trust and courage – with many challenges for us.

Serving Obediently

Daniel 2 – Daniel’s humble and diligent service meant that he could used by God to bring peace to a troubled King… and words of encouragement and challenge to us.


Isaiah 40:9-17 – Gentleness is often underrated and cast aside but it not only describes much of God’s dealings with us but as we grow in our faith it should also describe our attitude to others; our conversations (both verbal and written) and how we react when under attack.