A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Listen Again…

At St Nicholas we believe that studying God’s Word, the Bible, is essential for nurturing a growing faith. Use the links below to ‘listen again‘ to one of our recent sermons. Alternatively, you can filter the whole archive by date, speaker, sermon series or Bible book.

Love in Action

Romans 12:9-21 – In view of God’s mercy… how should followers of Christ behave towards other Christians and to the wider and sometimes angry and persecuting world? With a life of love in action, modelled on Christ’s love for us.

Living Sacrifices

Romans 12:1-8 – Paul urges us to give ourselves wholeheartedly to the Lord, as a living sacrifice, which will be holy and pleasing to God. It might sound simple but keeping God at the top of our priorities list isn’t always so easy. We explore our motivation to persevere in this “in view of God’s mercy” and also how remembering what God has done for us through Jesus enables us to hold on to a right view of ourselves and other people.

All Israel Will Be Saved

Romans 11: 1-36 – Paul concludes this section of the letter to the Romans with yet another big question: “Has time run out for Jewish people to be saved?” He answers with an emphatic “NO!” It’s an answer which brings hope to the Jes and one which brings hope and challenge to us.

Christ is the End of the Law

Romans 9:30-33 and 10:1-21 – Paul explains that one of the reasons that so many of the Jews have not accepted Jesus as Lord is because they have been pursuing peace with God through works and not by faith. We need to learn from their error, see the importance of gospel proclamation and glory in the grace and patience of God.

The Justice of God in Salvation

Romans 8:31-9:33 – The end of Romans 8 glories in the unending, indestructible love of God. But are those promises too good to be true? In Romans 9 Paul takes us through various things which might cause us to doubt including the unbelief of his Old Testament people and God’s sovereign choice of those who are saved to show us that God’s love for the Christian is absolutely and utterly reliable.