A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Posts from 2019 (Page 8)

Some notes for our APCM… and the results!

Dear Friends, This Sunday after the main morning service we have our Annual Parochial Church Meeting.  APCM’s are not often exciting, but they are part of the structure of our church and have a vitally important role to play in how the church is run.  So, for the sake of those who don’t know or have forgotten, here’s a simple guide. APCMs…

Are you ready for Easter?

We talk a lot about getting ready for Christmas, but it’s rare I hear anyone talking about getting ready for Easter.  Perhaps that’s because there’s no need to buy everyone gifts and because it’s not so much of a family time where food and festivities take over.  But for the Christian, getting ready for Easter is vital. Of course, that’s what Lent…

Contending for the Faith…

Stay or leave?  And if we are to leave, then on what basis?  How should we do it?  Perhaps you’ve had some discussions about that topic this week! On Tuesday and Wednesday I was in London at a gathering which, for part of the time at least, discussed the same question.  Only it wasn’t about BREXIT- it was about the Church of…

On Mothering Sunday…

Firstly, let me wish a happy Mothering Sunday to all the women with us today. Speaking as a sadly all-too-often ungrateful son, it’s so easy to take our mothers for granted.  Today at least we have a ready-made opportunity to tell our mums how much we love them, or to thank God for all the love they gave us. In some quarters,…