To read the latest update, including news on a new service for those with no internet connections… please click here:
To download the latest update from the Rector, with some great resources for families with young children, as well as other news, simply click here:
To read the latest letter with words of encouragement, and ways to get involved, please click here:
John was clear as to why he wrote his gospel- that ‘we might believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing we might have life in his name.’ John 20:30, 31 This 5 minute video unpacks that truth a little further:
Moses, who’d lead God’s people for 40 years was dead. The people were at the edge of the Promised Land, expecting their new leader to take them to victory. How could Joshua do it? By keeping his eyes on God, putting God’s word in his heart and obeying his commands. That’s how he could be strong and courageous. That’s how we can…