A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Posts by Church Warden (Page 39)

A Prayer update from UCCF – one of our mission partners

The UCCFs are non-denominational, welcoming students from different backgrounds, denominations and church traditions, and exist to give every student on campus an opportunity to hear and respond to the love of Jesus. In the last academic year, the CUs have had an exciting season of mission, boldly telling their friends and peers about the gospel. Let’s give thanks for the ways that…

The Curse and Cure of Hypocrisy

The Archbishop of Canterbury found himself in hot water this week.  He gave a speech to the TUC in which he heavily criticised some companies, including Amazon, for failing to pay enough tax, not offering its employees a living wage and having many people on zero-hours contracts.  We might have sympathy with his views but it wasn’t his views that caused the…

The Big C… and an even bigger C

As an avid listener to BBC Radio 5Live I’ve been saddened this week to learn that one of the presenters, Rachel Bland, has died of cancer at the age of just 40.  She endured her treatment with great fortitude and tried to give other sufferers courage by doing a regular podcast called You, Me and the Big C. However happy and sheltered…

We’re in a battle: so keep learning!

After the long summer holiday, it’s back to school this week for children, teachers and support staff alike and I’m sure there is a mix of excitement and fear in many homes as a result.  Do remember them in your prayers. But whether we are still at school or well into retirement we never stop learning, or we shouldn’t at least.  We…

The Importance of Corporate Prayer

Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones, the famous 20th century preacher, was showing some visitors around his church one day, and after a good tour told his guests that he would finish by taking them to the boiler room.  They weren’t really interested, but he insisted.  “This is where the energy for all the work of the church comes from,” he said.  And he…