After the long summer holiday, it’s back to school this week for children, teachers and support staff alike and I’m sure there is a mix of excitement and fear in many homes as a result. Do remember them in your prayers.
But whether we are still at school or well into retirement we never stop learning, or we shouldn’t at least. We worship an infinite God and so there is always more we can discover about His character, His works and His glory from our studies of His world and His Word. I hope you’ve got a hunger for it. It’s vital for your spiritual life and it’s vital for our life as a family of God’s people at St Nicholas.
Why? Because we are in a battle. It may not feel like it, but we are. Standing against us are the united ranks of the world, the flesh and the devil, and their aim is that we take our eyes off eternity, doubt the truth of God’s Word and give up on following Jesus. It’s rarely a full-on assault, but slowly and surely, like water wearing away rock, our faith can wear away unless we actively pursue the things of God and are countering the things of the world with the truth of the scriptures.
That’s why church attendance, private Bible study and home groups are all so important. Reading good Christian books helps too, and this week the bookstall has a new range on sale at discounted prices: £3 each or 2 for £5. Why not pick up a book (or 2!) and make sure that you are building your faith and continuing to learn more about our great and mighty God.