A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Posts by Church Warden (Page 43)

Nothing is more important than God

So how was it for you? Easter, I mean? Was it full of chocolate and focussed on the family, or did Jesus get a look in? Did you even notice it had come? One of the greatest struggles in our lives today is time. We don’t ever seem to have enough, and what time we do have…

I wonder if you believe it?

On my first Easter Sunday at St Nicholas I borrowed a man-sized Peppa Pig costume and had one of my friends wear it and run into church half way through the service, shake my hand and run out again. At the same time his daughter was sat wearing a blindfold and listening to some music,…

Take up a Lent Challenge

Everything has been a bit upside down lately, hasn’t it?  We had daffodils out in December—a month which was warmer than last May—and in our garden at least the snow drops have only just come out.  It’s hard to know whether you are coming or going! But whatever the weather the church year rolls around…

New Year, New Start

Like many of you I’ll be trying (once again!) to get into shape in the new year.  I’ve already got my gym membership—so no signing on fees necessary—but a new year does give me a chance to make a new start and forget my lacklustre progress of 2015! In some ways there’s nothing special about…