So how was it for you? Easter, I mean? Was it full of chocolate and focussed on the family, or did Jesus get a look in? Did you even notice it had come?
One of the greatest struggles in our lives today is time. We don’t ever seem to have enough, and what time we do have ends up being spent on the urgent (or seemingly urgent) rather than the important. I’m sure you’ll have heard the quote of the wise man who said that no one on their death bed ever says that they wished they’d spent more time at the office! But so often we still let work and busy-ness drive us and define us at a huge cost to our families, our health and our souls.
Last month in this column I spoke about Jesus’ resurrection and the huge difference that fact made not just to Jesus’ first disciples, but that it still makes to all people everywhere, even today. If it is true it means that death is not the end; that there is a way to know God; and that without Jesus we are facing a lost eternity. Those are kinds of things our busy lifestyle often prevents us from thinking about, but nothing is more important.
So this month I want to encourage you to take some time to check out this truth. You can do that in a whole host of ways:
- Drop me a line or an email and I’ll send you a copy of a gospel to read for yourself in the comfort of your own home. It won’t take long — a couple of hours perhaps — and, spread over a week or so, we all have that kind of time.
- Inside there’s an invitation to the next Identity Course. If you’d rather meet with a bunch of other people and have a chance to discuss questions with them why not come along. I’m sure you’d find it engaging.
- And of course you can always come along to church. You’ll find us warm and welcoming. Our 8am service is quiet and very traditional; our 9:30am service includes a sermon, songs, and prayers with children’s activities alongside it; and our 4:30pm service (short with craft, games and fun songs) is aimed at
parents with young children. - And if you are already in church why not take the next step and go deeper into God’s Word? We now have home groups on Monday afternoons and Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and there will be a space for you. It’s a fantastic way to get to know God better and grow your faith.
Whatever route you take don’t put off the most important thing because you are too busy with the seemingly urgent. Nothing is more important than God.