A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Latest News (Page 46)

Monthly news and updates which usually appear in the monthly edition of the Herald.

Are you vaccinating yourself against Jesus?

I don’t know about you but I have already had my first cold of the season. Not full-blown man flu, but unpleasant and draining nevertheless.  So, as soon as I have shaken this virus off, I will be getting myself the latest flu vaccine so that hopefully I won’t have to endure anything worse than…

Relying on the grace and mercy of God

Harvest is a time when the church across the ages has given thanks to God for sending the rain and sun which make the plants grow and give us food to eat and flowers to enjoy. So whilst the Bible is clear in its admiration of farm workers, allotment owners and gardeners alike for their…

Forgiveness – free but not cheap

I suspect many of you were glued to the Olympic Games from Rio over the summer. The Olympic Games are always a fantastic spectacle; an event where athletes chase glory rather than financial rewards and where (usually!) the camaraderie and sportsmanship shine through in a way we don’t see in professional sport. (It’s even better…

Spiritual Holiday

Over the summer things in church slow down a little, except for the weddings! Regular groups and activities come to a temporary halt and many of us are fortunate enough to get a holiday. But whilst we all benefit from a change of scenery and a break from work from time to time, we also…