A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Latest News (Page 38)

Monthly news and updates which usually appear in the monthly edition of the Herald.

A Better Story part 2: Real Dignity and value in ALL people

How do you judge the value of another human being?  By their looks, education or achievements?  Do you look at their family life, their character or their generosity? Do we measure how much they can contribute to society when we measure someone’s worth? Our world often judges people by all these things, and much more besides, and that’s bad news for the…

A better story of forgiveness and redemption…

The Rector writes… At the Diocesan conference last weekend, we were reminded of the power and sufficiency of the gospel of Jesus.  Not only does it meet our deepest spiritual needs for forgiveness, peace with God and eternal life, it also satisfies our deepest personal and human needs. So over the next few weeks we’re going to look at some of the…

Update on the plans for the building…

Making changes to a Grade 1 listed church is a complex task. Earlier this month we held a Project meeting with some of the 13 different professional advisers (the architect, engineers, surveyors and historians) that need to contribute to make a success of the project. We are on track for the contractor to start work at the beginning of May and to…

Swimming Against the Tide

Last week I wrote about crabs. This week, it’s fish. One of the longest and hardest journeys undertaken by animals is that of the salmon returning to spawn in the same streams where it grew up. These days, that not only demands swimming uphill against the flow of the river, but in some areas it also requires getting past dams. Since scaling…

Two Ways to Cook Crabs (and change the culture)

When I lived in Scotland, from time to time my family would buy a crate of live crabs and spend a day cooking them and preparing them for eating.  There were two methods of cooking crabs.  One involved dropping the crab into boiling water.  This led to a lot of squealing (yes crabs do squeal!) but was quite quick.  The other was…