A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Latest News (Page 35)

Monthly news and updates which usually appear in the monthly edition of the Herald.

Not the entrance we might have expected…

Whether it’s a champion boxer entering the ring, a modern-day politician on the campaign trail or a bride arriving for her wedding, people do like to make an entrance.  And if it’s a hero, a champion or simply a crowd favourite, it’s not unusual to have music blaring, lights beaming and photographers snapping pictures all the way along the red carpeted route. …

Update on Revitalising St Nicholas Church building – by Anthony Taylor

The Old Testament book of Nehemiah is essential reading for all church project managers. Inspired by God, Nehemiah leads the rebuilding of Jerusalem. He starts with prayer, confession and repentance, seeking God’s will.  This inspires King Artaxerxes, his boss, to give him time-off to re-build Jerusalem, with an army to protect Nehemiah as he does so! Nehemiah engages the whole of the…

Becoming a Praying Church…

This weekend sees a change to our service times with our morning service moving to 10:45am.  Sadly, Judy and I will be away for the next 2 Sundays, but we will be praying for you as you enjoy a lie-in and gather at the later time. The main reason for the change is, of course, to prepare for our move into the…

Some notes for our APCM… and the results!

Dear Friends, This Sunday after the main morning service we have our Annual Parochial Church Meeting.  APCM’s are not often exciting, but they are part of the structure of our church and have a vitally important role to play in how the church is run.  So, for the sake of those who don’t know or have forgotten, here’s a simple guide. APCMs…