A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Latest News (Page 28)

Monthly news and updates which usually appear in the monthly edition of the Herald.

Why God is our true hope and shelter during the storm…

Despite some minor damage to trees and fences we have been spared the worst of the recent winter storms.  Some of the devastation from flooding has been terrible and some people have sadly lost their lives, but storms Ciara and Dennis have nothing on the hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, and forest fires that occur around the world from time to time.  So…

Spiritual vision: the need to focus properly

I’ve had a problem with my eyesight this week. I haven’t been focusing very well. Things that should have been clear have become blurry and out of focus, whilst the things on the edge of my vision have become sharper.  To be honest it’s a problem I have often.  But I don’t need to go to see an optician; because the eyes…

The Call of Divine Duty

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been headline news this week after their decision to step back from being frontline royals.  It’s hard to imagine just how hard it must be to live life in the fish bowl of media scrutiny, where everything you wear and say and do (or not do) is analysed to the Nth degree.  One might have…

New Year Resolutions vs Daily Decisions…

I watched a short video from Paul David Tripp last week talking about the value of making New Year’s Resolutions.  In it he said something which made a lot of sense.  He said that our lives aren’t as much shaped by big resolutions as by the many daily decisions that we make. Many of these, he said, will seem utterly inconsequential at…