A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Posts by Church Warden (Page 37)

What a wonderful name…!

One morning at Theological College, the speaker asked the students to take it in turns to give a name for God that appears in the Bible.  There were some 60 students in the chapel – and I hastily tried to work out how many people would have a chance to give a name before it got to me. I needn’t have worried. …

Making Use of Time

You may want more of it, you might like to take some of it back, but time is slippery and we only have the time we have been given, and not a minute more. Last Saturday the PCCs of St Nicholas and St Mary’s gave up their time for a day away.  We spent some time thinking about our parishes and the…

Getting ready…

So how is it coming along?  All that present buying, card writing and recipe planning?  Did you buy your wrapping paper in the sales last Christmas (we did!), or will you still be rushing around on Christmas Eve?  Christmas, like many things in life, needs forward planning.  We know it’s coming, so we make preparations to get ourselves ready for the big…

Building the building and the Kingdom of God

Dear Friends, This is a very important week for our church and benefice.  Not only have we launched the financial appeal for the building project (St Nicholas Church Fundraising Letter November 2018), but by the end of the week we should have a good idea about the location and pattern of our services and activities during the 6 months or so we…

A Godly Response to the Turbulence in Westminster

As I write there is turbulence in Westminster; our Prime Minister is fighting for her political life as cabinet ministers resign, and MPs and pundits rage against the deal for being too harsh, too weak, too vague or too specific.  I suspect it’s not her deal they are angry about, but any deal.  They are like the people of Jesus’ day who…