A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Posts by Church Warden (Page 34)

On Mothering Sunday…

Firstly, let me wish a happy Mothering Sunday to all the women with us today. Speaking as a sadly all-too-often ungrateful son, it’s so easy to take our mothers for granted.  Today at least we have a ready-made opportunity to tell our mums how much we love them, or to thank God for all the love they gave us. In some quarters,…

Responding to Christchurch…

The events in Christchurch New Zealand towards the end of last week offered yet more evidence of the hatred and suspicion that many people harbour towards Muslims and Islam.  Of course it’s not the first attack of this kind, and sadly there have been many more the other way: the attacks in London and New York and Paris among them, and the…

Sharing our message of hope…

Turmoil at Westminster. Rising levels of knife crime on our streets. Children walking out of schools to protest about global warming.  Terrorist attacks in New Zealand.  The world is in a mess.  No one can deny that.  I read this week that some women are going on ‘birth strike’; refusing to have children for fear of bringing them into a world whose…

Our Better Story needs to be shared- whatever the cost.

These days what you say can get you into a whole lot of trouble.  We’ve seen that in the political arena with the home secretary, on social media with former athletes speaking out about the unfairness of trans-men competing as women, and on the streets of London.  Perhaps you saw the coverage of the Christian evangelist arrested outside Southgate Tube Station for…

A Better Story: Better than Sex

If abortion is one of the most delicate subjects, the hottest topic is sex, including same-sex relationships.  I’ve spoken about the Bible’s teaching on this issue before, so what I’m about to say won’t come as a shock.  But the idea that it is good news might well do! Just for clarity, let me state again what the Bible clearly teaches: that…