A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Posts by Church Warden (Page 31)

Staying Safe From Failing Leaders

During my spotty teenage years, I was a great fan of a Christian singer called Steve Taylor.  In one of his songs, Hero, he lamented the failings and scandals that plague all those we idolise, from whatever walk of life.  And sadly, as I mentioned last week, we can be let down and hurt by Christian leaders we trust and admire. So…

Some Reflections for GAFCON Sunday

On some unknown date in the latter half of 1823, during a game of football at Rugby School, William Webb Ellis, did something that no one had done before. He picked up the ball and ran with it. Now, even those of you who don’t like football, know that you can’t do that.  It’s against the rules.  Goalkeepers can touch the ball…

Coping with Failures in Christian Leaders

In last week’s column I commented on the frailties of secular leaders and encouraged us not to look to anyone but Jesus for real and lasting salvation.  But church leaders are also, sadly, often just as weak and frail, as shown by the stories of heresy and ‘spiritual abuse’ that have hit the headlines this week.  The latter story hit Judy and…

Leadership… and the one leader we can truly trust

Over the last couple of weeks the media has been full of stories about the Conservative party’s search for a new leader, and a new prime minister.  It hasn’t always been edifying, and there is a good deal more of it to come yet, but finding the right leader is so important. Our country, like every other, needs a leader of vision…

A thought for Trinity Sunday- and Father’s Day!

This Sunday is Father’s Day, so all the men at church on Sunday will be given a bar of chocolate to celebrate.  The Bible puts huge significance on the role of fathers in bringing up their children in the fear of the Lord, teaching them the truth, disciplining them when needed and training them for life.  We’ll hear something of that role…