A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Posts by Church Warden (Page 26)

The Call of Divine Duty

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been headline news this week after their decision to step back from being frontline royals.  It’s hard to imagine just how hard it must be to live life in the fish bowl of media scrutiny, where everything you wear and say and do (or not do) is analysed to the Nth degree.  One might have…

New Year Resolutions vs Daily Decisions…

I watched a short video from Paul David Tripp last week talking about the value of making New Year’s Resolutions.  In it he said something which made a lot of sense.  He said that our lives aren’t as much shaped by big resolutions as by the many daily decisions that we make. Many of these, he said, will seem utterly inconsequential at…

Is it really good news for all people?

It was our first Christmas together, but it didn’t run smoothly.  Not only were we in a friend’s house with an ancient (and very ineffective) heating system but we lost our most expensive present. We’d opened our gifts, and thought we’d put them all to one side, but somehow the tickets to the theatre in London went out with the rubbish!  Small…

Post Election Musings…

I’m writing this on Friday morning with the election results still buzzing around my head. The size of the Conservative majority shocked many people, delighting some and terrifying others, but the reality is that we now have a Conservative government committed to “get Brexit done!” But whatever our political allegiances, as Christians we can and should take a broader view. Here are…