A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Latest News (Page 31)

Monthly news and updates which usually appear in the monthly edition of the Herald.

Harvest: Showing an Attitude of Gratitude

At the beginning of October we will be celebrating our Harvest Festival in both churches.  We’ve been plugging the date for a while now so I hope that we will have plenty of gifts (food and otherwise) to give away.  Giving is a sign that God has blessed us with enough to share; and that will be true of all us.  So…

Commandment ~7: You Shall Not Commit Adultery

Unlike commandment 8 which we looked at last week (don’t steal), adultery isn’t against the law.  There are consequences of course, there always are if we step outside God’s commands, but we don’t end up in prison.  So what’s the big deal?    Firstly, God is holy, and he wants his people to be holy too.  That means they should exhibit sexual…

Commandment #8: You shall not steal- part 2

As I’ve reflected further on this command over the last week, I’ve been struck by the amount of times when my wants, my opinions, my will being done leads to the wants, opinions and desires of others being neglected or ignored.  I wonder, might the spirit of the command, not to take for ourselves that which belongs to someone else, not apply…

Commandment 8: Do Not Steal

On the face of it, this commandment seems very straightforward. Do not steal. Do not take things that belong to someone else. That’s theft, and theft, clearly, is wrong. Exodus chapter 22 says that stealing includes cattle rustling and burglary. Those are obvious enough. But that chapter also includes the damage done to crops and fields by someone else’s livestock, or by…

Commandment Number 9: Do Not Lie

With all these commandments it is vital to remember that they were given to a people who had already been redeemed, not as a way of making them righteous.  The rescue from Egypt had already happened, the people were no longer slaves, but called to be God’s people.  These commandments set out how they should live as God’s people, in God’s land,…