A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Latest News (Page 27)

Monthly news and updates which usually appear in the monthly edition of the Herald.

Lent#3: Reflecting on the Holy Spirit

I’m not always great at asking for help.  I like to think that I am competent and that my talents and skills are sufficient to help me manage any task or challenge.  Sometimes I’m right.  Often, I’m wrong!  And if that’s true with every day tasks, it’s most certainly true for living as a disciple and growing more like Christ. The Baptism…

Lent #2: Meditating on Jesus

It was CS Lewis who first suggested that the accounts of Jesus’ life leave us with 3 options as to the true identity of Jesus: He is either mad (utterly self-deluded), bad (a charlatan who set out to trick people into following him for his own purposes) or God.  Imagining, as many people seem to do today, that Jesus was just a…

Lent 1: Am I standing in awe of God?

We sometimes sing ‘Our God is a Great Big God,’ but I wonder if we truly grasp how great and big God is?  The Bible says that God is the creator and sustainer of the world, the source of life, the origin of goodness and the fount of love.  He is utterly holy, perfectly righteous, faithful to his promises and abounding in…

“Search Me O God…” A Transformative Challenge for Lent

I’m currently halfway through a course entitled “Transforming Conversations.”  The aim is to equip me to have more effective conversations with people. It’s not talking about those general ‘chatty’ conversations we have with one another, but those times when we need to talk about something specific and make some clear progress: whether that’s about our faith or a practical problem in our…