A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Posts by Church Warden (Page 28)

Commandment #5: Honour your Father and Mother…

OK kids- buckle up!  This one is for you! (although your parents have a key role!) And the good news is that this is the only command that comes with a promise: “…that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” Now when this command was written, God’s people, who had endured generations of slavery, were…

Commandment #6: Do Not Murder.

This is one of those commandments which most of us imagine that we’ve cracked. After all, murdering someone is an incredibly drastic act.  The problem is that Jesus widened the meaning of this commandment much further than we might imagine, and far enough to make all of us feel uncomfortable.  You can read that passage in Matthew 4:21–26.  Here, Jesus teaches that…

Harvest: Showing an Attitude of Gratitude

At the beginning of October we will be celebrating our Harvest Festival in both churches.  We’ve been plugging the date for a while now so I hope that we will have plenty of gifts (food and otherwise) to give away.  Giving is a sign that God has blessed us with enough to share; and that will be true of all us.  So…

Commandment ~7: You Shall Not Commit Adultery

Unlike commandment 8 which we looked at last week (don’t steal), adultery isn’t against the law.  There are consequences of course, there always are if we step outside God’s commands, but we don’t end up in prison.  So what’s the big deal?    Firstly, God is holy, and he wants his people to be holy too.  That means they should exhibit sexual…