A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Rector’s Blog (Page 9)

Are you going to be prepared for Easter?

When it comes to decorating a room or passing an exam or even enjoying your wedding day, it’s all down to the preparation. Get the preparation right and everything is easier. Miss out on the preparation and, when the event comes around, things rarely go to plan and can sometimes be disastrous! Right now we are…

Change can be so hard

So, how are those New Year’s resolutions going? Is your will power still strong or did it crumble by mid-January? Change can be so hard can’t it? Especially if the habits we want to change are well ingrained… I read something recently that explained just that.  A man was sitting in a dentist’s chair when, once…

What will 2017 hold?

I don’t know about you but I found 2016 rather shocking!  Three times in 2016 I went to bed expecting one result and woke up to find out that the pollsters had been outwitted by the voters! But what will 2017 hold?  No doubt more of the same!  There will be things that shock us,…