A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Rector’s Blog (Page 7)

Commandment #2: No Idols!

Commandment #2: You shall not make for yourself an idol…  You shall not bow down to them or worship them.  For I the LORD am a jealous God… Everybody worships something.  It’s what we were made for.  The big question is what we will worship.  Worship isn’t necessarily what you sing about, or even what or whom you pray to.  Worship is…

Commandment Number 9: Do Not Lie

With all these commandments it is vital to remember that they were given to a people who had already been redeemed, not as a way of making them righteous.  The rescue from Egypt had already happened, the people were no longer slaves, but called to be God’s people.  These commandments set out how they should live as God’s people, in God’s land,…

Standing with and for Jesus…

Over the last few years I have noticed that when tragedy strikes, people have been quick to identify with the victims as a way of standing with them in solidarity against evil and for freedom.  So after the Paris terrorist attacks a few years back, the phrase “je suis Charlie” was everywhere.  As ISIS routed the Christians out of Iraq, many on…

A Better Story part 2: Real Dignity and value in ALL people

How do you judge the value of another human being?  By their looks, education or achievements?  Do you look at their family life, their character or their generosity? Do we measure how much they can contribute to society when we measure someone’s worth? Our world often judges people by all these things, and much more besides, and that’s bad news for the…