A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Sunday Gatherings in the St Nicholas Church Yard

We can’t meet in church, but we can still gather together- in a manner of speaking- outside, each Sunday from 10am in the church yard at St Nicholas.

Services will be short- about 30 minutes, and can only be held if we all agree to abide by some tight rules to keep us all safe. To find out more… please keep reading…


During the outbreak of plague which ravaged London in the 17th century, the disease reached the tiny village of Eyam in Derbyshire. At the urging of their minister, the Rev Mompasson, the village quarantined themselves to stop the plague spreading to nearby settlements and across the north of England. 

During the outbreak, the only time the community truly came together was on Sundays when the vicar would hold services out in the fields with the people standing in family groups, well-spaced from each other.   And so, building on this great example, and with the full backing of Bishop Michael, and after consulting experts in public health, we will be holding services outside each Sunday, weather permitting, during the coronavirus outbreak, until the advice from government changes to prevent this.    

For the next three Sundays (22nd, 29th March and 5th April), a service will take place in the St Nicholas churchyard at 10am.

On Good Friday there will be a gathering at St Mary’s Graveley from 2pm, and on Easter day, this will be followed by a service at St Mary’s Graveley at 11am.  Depending on the demand, there may be services each Sunday at both churches after Easter.

Services will be short (about 30 minutes in length), and will not include communion. Service sheets, Bible readings and song words will be sent via email a few days before.  If you are able, please print these out at home or download them to your phone or tablet. There will always be a few printed copies for those who are not able to do this at home.  If you are not on our email list, please contact enquiries@saintnicholaschurch.org.uk.

To keep everyone safe, all those attending these outside services must follow the following protocols:

  • Do not come if you are infected with the virus, or should be self-isolating.  Check the advice at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
  • Please wear appropriate clothing – we don’t want anyone catching cold!
  • Stand alone or in your family group, making sure that your family group stays together, and remains some 4 to 5m away from any other groups.
  • At the end of the service, individuals or groups should leave one after the other, making sure that the recommended distance is kept.
  • There should be no physical contact.
  • Do bring a chair if you’d need to sit down, or your own flask if you want a hot drink.