A Bible-believing, Jesus proclaiming, people-loving community

Graveley Church Open for Quiet Prayer

The scriptures command us to pray and cast all our cares upon the LORD because he cares for us. We can’t use St Nicholas Church right now, we hope to be able to by the middle of April, but St Mary’s Graveley will be open for quiet prayer on…

Saturday mornings from 10am-11am

Monday afternoons from 2:30pm-4pm

Wednesday afternoons from 2:30pm to 4pm

For more details and restrictions- please keep reading…


Graveley Church will be open for private quiet prayer on Saturday mornings from 10-11am, and Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 2:30pm-4pm.

Do not come if you are infected with the virus, or should be self-isolating.

Check the advice at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

Materials to help with prayer will be made available, but anyone coming will be expected to use hand gel by the door and to maintain a good distance from others not in their household.

Once the work at St Nicholas Church has been completed, we hope to open the building for quiet prayer as well.